The Value of Staging


The goal is to present a product – one so clean and visually compelling that it looks like no one actually lives there!  It's not the life someone actually has that they want but the ideal life presented in model homes which they seek.  Clean, no clutter, well decorated and no smells!

Why should decoration possibly matter, you ask?  And rightfully so, but the truth is that many buyers cannot get past the decor of the home.  Today's buyer likes the "Crate and Barrel" look and much cleaner lines than much of the older decor.  Dated decor makes the house seem like it's not up to date and that more might be wrong with it.

Staging can bring out the good bones and let those buyers see themselves in the rooms.  The photos which draw in the buyers show the rooms in almost magazine quality as if no one actually lives in the home.  As part of that aura, the smells and comfort of the home have to be welcoming and never offputting!

I'd urge a seller who wants to sell for the highest price in the least amount of time to consider some level of staging service or advice that is worth the investment, before dismissing it as too expensive.  Many times stagers can take away enough of the current home owner's presence to allow the buyer the space to visualize his life there…


The homes which are well prepared have a better change of a quick sale or attracting more than one offer.   This didn't happen by chance since these well prepared owners have often spent months in advance cleaning, decluttering, organizing, updating and otherwise getting their homes ready to blow away the competition!

I start from a specially prepared list in each room and then pare down or add furnishings which will show off the home.  My staging furnishings are constantly evolving as I add something almost every listing.  Consequently, I can stage the common rooms enough to make them look welcoming and will call in the big guns if we need a whole house staging.

Staging involves not only adding furniture but ensuring that everything is at its best.  Fresh paint, updated appliances, new curtains, slipcovers, different artwork, bed coverings, lawn care….  All of these go into the preparation of the product which was formerly your home and is now ready to be on the market.

By the time the sign goes up the house should be ready for its stage debut.  Showtime!

Examples of homes I've staged for market:

Next Landscaping and Curb Appeal….

If you would like to have your estate sale settled in the same careful, thoughtful way just leave the details to me! 

Contact me at 301-385-9213 or


About Josette

I live and work in the areas I serve. My goal is always to put your interests first and to get you to the finish line with the least amount of hassles, the most money and the best experience possible!