5 Key Maintenance Tasks to Prepare Your Home for the Winter

The days are getting shorter, the temperature is dropping and the kids are heading back to school. The approach of autumn means that winter is just around the corner. The question is – is your home ready? Break out your checklist and let’s run through five key maintenance tasks that will get your home prepared to face the winter.

Upgrading Your Home? 5 Great Reasons to Make the Switch to Hardwood Floors

Are you tired of scouring the internet, trying to find the secret recipe for whatever will take stains out of your carpet? And the irritating annual steam cleaning ritual where your whole home is soaking wet for a couple of days? Ugh. If your old carpet has you down, it might be time for a change. In today’s blog post we’ll share five great reasons why you’ll want to make the switch from carpet to hardwood floors.

Kids Moving Out of the House? Here Are 3 Tips for Creating a Warm, Welcoming Guest Bedroom

If you’re a homeowner with children, at some point, you’ll be saying goodbye. They’ll move off to college or to start their career and adult life. As children move out, you’ll discover that you have extra bedrooms and other living spaces that will need a new purpose. Let’s take a look at three ways that you can transform an unused bedroom into a welcoming place for guests to stay.

Itching to Start a Project? Don’t Forget These Four Key Tips to Avoiding Renovator’s Remorse

Take a look around your home. Do you feel that burning desire to renovate or upgrade certain areas? Perhaps it’s the kitchen countertops or the d?cor in the master bedroom. Whatever the case, if you’re itching to take on a home renovation project you’ll want to ensure it’s one that makes your life better – not worse! Let’s take a look at four tips that will help you to avoid experiencing “renovator’s remorse.”

DIY Home Projects: Creating a Study Space That Will Help Your Children Stay Focused

If you’re a parent of school-aged children, you’ve likely been concerned with their study habits at some point. Sitting down in front of the television or at the dinner table to crack open the books is going to be less efficient than doing so in a quieter, more productive work space. Let’s explore how to create a study space that will help keep your children focused and on task.

$100 Well Spent: 5 Useful Home Upgrades That Cost Less Than $100

Whether you’re trying to improve the look of your home or are getting ready to put it on the market, the idea of renovations can seem like a significant financial burden to take on. Fortunately, there are a variety of easy solutions for improving the look of your home without all the added expense. If you’re wondering how you can spend $100 wisely, look no further than the following upgrading tips.

Living Under Water Restrictions? Transform Your Garden With These Succulent Plants

It can be difficult to deal with water restrictions if you’re a bit of a green thumb and don’t want your beautiful plants to go to waste. Fortunately, there are plenty of succulents out there that can be quite striking and will still be able to store the water they need to survive. If you’re looking for some low-maintenance plants that thrive in the dry season, here are a few succulents that will do the trick.

Upgrade My Life, Alexa: 4 Great Reasons to Invest in a Home Smart Assistant

In an age of rapidly changing technology, doing things like programming in temperature changes and monitoring your home security from afar are becoming common. Fortunately, having a smarter home is even easier these days with Alexa, which was created by Amazon in 2014 as a smart home assistant. If you’re looking for an instant home upgrade that will utilize the smartest technology on the market, here’s why Alexa might be a great option for you

3 Home Renovation Lessons That You Won’t Want to Learn the Hard (or Expensive!) Way

Most people make a number of home upgrades when the time comes to put their home on the market, whether they’re minor fix-ups or significant improvements that come with a high cost. If you’re wondering how to plan for your renovations, here are three things to ponder before getting started.

5 Surprisingly Stylish Ways to Improve Your Living Room’s Look Using Wallpaper

From a sophisticated couch to a stunning art print, there are plenty of ways that you can dress up your living room and instantly change its vibe. You may not realize it, but wallpaper is back in fashion and becoming another popular way to instantly re-vamp a room. If you’re contemplating ways that wallpaper can benefit your space, here are some options you may want to try out.