East Bethesda

These stats are for the 20814 zip code and the price range of $600- $799K so it's right in the range of what you are looking for.  I've broken them up by quarters because it's easier to look at. Market Activity: This shows by quarters how much activity there as been in the market – […]



Kensington, MD 400-499 Price Range


Single Family Homes – 4Qtr Rise in Inventory

Kensington, MD Market Stats – Four Bedrooms

Quarter Stats

Autumn Home Staging: How to Set Your Home Up to Match the Warm, Rich Colors of Autumn

Autumn is not only a great time to enjoy some cooler weather, but it is also a perfect time to sell a home. If you want to sell your house this autumn, these home staging tips will have buyers pounding down your door.

You Ask, We Answer: Understanding the Real Estate ‘Short Sale’ and How This Process Works

Here’s what you need to know about how short sales work and what circumstances might call for one.

Getting Past No: What To Do If You’re Turned Down For A Mortgage Or Other Home Financing

With most home prices well above what the majority of us have in the bank, getting approved for a mortgage can be the deal maker or breaker when it comes to purchasing a piece of property.

How To Attract High-End Buyers For Your Home For Sale

There’s at least one good thing about the drop in the dollar and it’s boosting the real estate market. Many high-end Europeans are now looking toward the U.S. for a vacation home or permanent residence, and that could mean big hope for your home for sale. However, this also means a different way of selling.

Discover Why Your Home Isn’t Selling This Summer

Just when you think you’ve done everything you need to do to get your home ready for the market, months pass and your home doesn’t sell. Consider a few factors that can effect your goal of selling your home.