What Types of Coverage Are Included in Standard Home Insurance Policies? Let’s Take a Look

Every insurance policy is different and can provide certain levels of protection tailored towards the needs of the policy holder. However, there are some standard types of coverage that are included in most basic home insurance policies.

Homeowner’s Insurance: What’s Covered, What Isn’t and Why You Might Need It

Homeowner's insurance is an incredibly valuable and beneficial policy for homeowners to have, but it is necessary to understand what traditional policies do and do not cover.

The 5-Minute Guide To Flood Insurance: What It Is, How It Works, And Whether You Need It

Not all homeowners are aware that home insurance policies don’t necessarily cover damage related to a flood, as the risks are too great.

Which Owner’s Title Insurance Policy Should Clients Choose?

November 2013 Legal Update from Marty Stanton, Esq. I know all of you have been waiting with baited breath for the sequel to the September Legal Update on "What is Title Insurance?" As promised, this article will discuss the two types of title insurance policies a buyer can choose, Standard or Enhanced. In order to […]